SINTRA International Project Progress Review Meeting

October 30, 2024 by
SINTRA International Project Progress Review Meeting
Secil Heper

SINTRA International Project Progress Review Meeting was held on 24th and 25th of October, 2024 in the Innovation Center of TAV Technologies Headquarters, İstanbul, Türkiye. For the partners who were not able to attend the meeting physically, the meeting was also held virtually.

There were 27 participants from 4 different countries.

·        Gökhan Koç - TAV Technologies / Türkiye

·        Zana Şimşek - TAV Technologies / Türkiye

·        Seçil Heper - TAV Technologies / Türkiye

·        Aylin Yorulmaz - KoçSistem Bilgi ve İleitşim Hizmetleri / Türkiye

·        İsmail Uzun – İnosens Bilişim / Türkiye

·        Yakup Genç – İnosens Bilişim / Türkiye

·        Ersin Sığınç – Alpata Teknoloji Yazılım  ve Bilişim / Türkiye

·        Veli Gülmez – Koçtaş Yapı Marketleri / Türkiye

·        Dilara Karabulut – Koçtaş Yapı Marketleri / Türkiye

·        Reijo Savola - University of Jyväskylä / Finland

·        Egor Bondarev - Eindhoven University of Technology / The Netherlands

·        Gino van der Zijde – Avular / The Netherlands

·        Petar Sevo – Mantispectra / The Netherlands

·        Egbert Jaspers – ViNotion / The Netherlands

·        Dick Scholte – ViNotion / The Netherlands

·        Jan Otten – Safecity / The Netherlands

·        Thomas Willems – Sorama / The Netherlands

·        Niels Keurentjes – Omines / The Netherlands

·        Geert Vanstraelen – MacQ / Belgium

·        Anna Hristoskova – Sirris / Belgium

·        Farhad Aghili – Sirris / Belgium

·        Sreeraj Rajendran – Sirris / Belgium

·        Bart Thoen – Sensolus / Belgium

·        Jelle Stuyvaert – C-Site / Begium

·        Noa Lambert – Citymesh / Belgium

·        Nico Van Hevel – Citymesh / Belgium

·        Max Dekoninck – Citymesh / Belgium

 In the first day of the event, Progress meetings were held by each of the partner countries in the consortium. In these sessions, use cases are examined and deliverables that are finished according to the project schedule are reviewed. In the second day of the event, many issues like platform architecture, privacy and data governance, and data standardization were discussed. 

Since the beginning of the project, this event has been the first face-to-face meeting of the consortium partners. It was a crucial meeting for stakeholders to get to know each other and understand the company’s capabilities, review project requirements, and move toward a common goal by making well-informed decisions on-site.

in News
SINTRA International Project Progress Review Meeting
Secil Heper October 30, 2024
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